MD Fulton

Location: New Hope SDA Church 

12350 Hall Shop Road, Fulton, MD 20759

Courts: Outdoors = parking lot & local park

Levels: All   Play*: Social

Ambassador: Gracie & Jay


Location Contact Form

Steps how to reserve a player spot:

1- Create an account

2- Select a location below

3- Create a "New Reservation" for the schedule event to reserve your spot.

(Note, if there are no current scheduled Social play site will show "No available space found". Please contact locations directly for the latest updates)

All Pickleball7 Locations

*Play Definition: 

• Social Play: ALL skill levels + inclusive. Pace is developmental & leisure to help others improve. Expect partners & opponents to play within these parameters.

• Competitive Play: Suggest Player Rating like DUPR. Pace is strategic & aggressive. Expect partners & opponents to play every shot for the win.